Thursday, August 28, 2008

I See Stars

I see stars. Lots of them. They walked right by my window. Some even looked inside. That's what happens when you live sandwiched between a 5-star hotel and one of Amsterdam's most famous coffeeshops.

Here are a few - Goldie Hawn, Woody Harrelson, 50 Cent (more on him later), Rage Against the Machine, Pink, Beyonce, Tommy Lee...

Pink was actually sitting on my doorstep waiting for her bus to pull up when my partner D came home. He said "Does anyone ever tell you that you look like that"

She goes, "Pink?"

D goes, "No, I'll think of it in a minute..."

She assured him he meant Pink.


Anonymous said...

uh, and Pink would be...
...some hot singer I don't know a song of...

reminds me of the way back days lstening to: "The band is just fantastic, that is really what I think / oh, by the way, which one's Pink?"

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh, I'm so glad I found your blog.....been here for 10 years and I could not have described it better myself. Frustrating place....